Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trees Of Righteousness

"...That they may be called tress of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." Isaiah 61:3b

I never thought I would be the one to succumb to the "blogger lifestyle", but the more people that I talk to and the more time I spend here in the Dells, the more I begin to see what a shame it would be for me to keep it a secret the things the Spirit is doing in this city and in my own life. And so here it is... the beginnings of my summer adventure here in the Wisconsin Dells.

For those of you who may not know why I am spending eleven weeks and three days in one of the biggest tourist traps of the mid-west, let me clue you in...

Before the school year came to a close, I had what I thought was the perfect plan for the perfect summer…until Someone with a bigger and better plan got a hold of my heart.  My desires changed from trying to find the perfect internship and making a name for myself to making a name for my Lord and Savior. I felt God placing a burden on my heart to do something that could help develop the spiritual foundation of my life and prepare me for a lifetime of serving Christ, no matter what career choice I may take. This is something a summer internship cannot prepare me for in life.

Instead, God has graciously sought me out and provided me a unique opportunity to join several other students from several universities across the Upper Midwest for a spiritual development program facilitated by The Navigators, an interdenominational Christian organization ( It is called The Dells STP! This Summer Training Program (STP) will be located in the city of Wisconsin Dells, WI. It is a unique and exciting opportunity for me to intentionally focus on training and growth in Christ.

What I am most excited about and most fearful as well, is for God to begin to show me His purpose in me being here this summer. After listening to others share their excitements to be a witness at their summer jobs, sharing Christ with internationals, and disciplining their team members to chase after God, I guess to be honest, I feel a bit selfish in my desire to be here this summer. And that desire is for God to change my heart for Him and teach me secrets about Himself I do not already know. But then again, isn't that what He desires for each one of us?

Much of my growth I believe will happen within my team of four girls. I was honored when asked to use my skills as a team leader for this summer, along with the privilege to encourage and disciple these girls to seek and to serve after the Lord together. We are live together, work together, study the Bible together, ministering together, and hopefully having loads of FUN and unique experiences together.

Another stretching experience for me this summer will be the many chances I get to rub shoulders with those who do not know Christ as their Savior in central Wisconsin as I seek to learn how to impact them for Christ. Did you know that 4,000+ international students from around the globe come to work at the Wisconsin Dells each summer?! And not only that but this small town of 5,000 jumps to 50,000 during these few short months and nearly 7 million people from all over pass through this city. What a unique opportunity to reach the nations right here in one place! 

So...The reason I am sharing this unique opportunity with you is that I would love each one of you to join me in prayer and consider being a part of my support team. I also consider it a great privilege to share with you the work God is doing here in this city. He has been faithful to us thus far and I cannot wait to share His continued faithfulness with you all this summer.

I will end with a few verses I claimed for myself when I first realized this is where the Lord was leading me for the summer and that I will continue to claim while here in the Dells.

Acts 21:22-24 "And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem (Wisconsin Dells) no knowing the thins that will happen to me there, except that then Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me, But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received form the Lord Jesus , to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

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